Monday, November 15, 2010

Prober and Hunter

Pro Bert
Probe Earth
P.R. O'Beartie

One of the many flips of our time is that the electric information environment returns man to the condition of the most primitive prober and hunter.  Privacy invasion is now one of our biggest knowledge industries.

MM - Culture is our Business

Violence is essentially the form of the quest for identity
-Ray Bradbury-


Waking Life

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Inglourious Basterds

Buck-Cone Antler-Plant
Bowachie Knifitti
The Mountain Man Macho Bushin' 
Feral Viral

Col. Hans landa

Benedict Arnold
Sherlock Holmes

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cliche to Archetype

"Many people confuse single objects as symbols. It helps to know the original meaning and structure of the term "symbol" as a juxtaposition of two things.  Originally, parties to a contract broke a stick and each took a half. Upon completion of the relationship, the parties juxtaposed the two sticks, creating the symbol. It is from symballein, Greek for "throwing together".

A kettle is not a symbol unless related or juxtaposed with stove, or pot, or food...."

From cliché to Archetype